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Dr. G.K. Sudhakar Reddy  


sudhakarDr. G.K. Sudhakar Reddy
MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, FRCS - Trauma & Orthopedic Surgery, MRCS (UK), Post Graduate Diploma in Sports MedicineAllopath Orthopedist, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Sports Medicine Surgeon, 18 Years Experience Overall  (14 years as specialist)

Dr. Sudhakar Reddy has extensive experience in orthopedics. After his under graduation (MBBS - Osmania Medical College) and masters training (M.S Ortho - Gandhi Medical College) in India, he worked in the UK for 13 years and underwent specialist training in all fields of orthopedics attaining MRCS and subsequently FRCS Tr & Orth. He also completed MCh Tr & Orth from the prestigious Wrightington Hospitals /Edge Hill University in U.K. He sub- specialises in sports injuries and joint replacements completing diploma in sports and exercise medicine from U.K and attended a Fellowship in sports injuries and joint replacements from the centre of excellence in France (Centre Albert Trillat, Croix Rousse Hospital, Lyon). He offers a spectrum of orthopedic surgeries as per international standards and evidence-based, ranging from Joints replacements, Sports injuries, Arthroscopy (Keyhole joint surgeries) to complex trauma management. 

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